I was planning on comparing S.P.D. (Space Patrol Delta) on
an episode-by-episode basis but because I'm running behind and I want
to get caught up on the seasons, I will be changing my plans with
and I will just take pictures of various things that is of note
such as new footage of arsenal, zords, cockpits, monsters and things of
that nature.
Power Rangers Arsenal

Kat Ranger
and her Morpher

Nova Ranger
and Morpher

They created this completely from scratch, this was not in Dekaranger
for Kat Ranger (she was called DekaSwan in Dekaranger) so they had to
re-do all of the special effects

Reinforcements from SPD's HQ

Gruumm and Broodwing's Soldiers and their Objects

and weapon


Tomars' Laptop


Not certain with this shot of Guard and Green Eyes, could be Sentai,
could be original, hard to say.

This shot of the Guard is new

and Mysticon's
Troobian Wand that Morgana gave him

Piggy is an original creation, not something from Sentai.

Gineka and the 2
other Monsters



Mora's Monsters

Objects and
Arsenal That Are Exclusive

Mora's Containment Card

Gruumm being contained in the Containment Carrd


A-Squad Red Ranger's Device on her left arm


and his Sword

Dr. Felix

This creation was in Sentai but Power Rangers' crew recreated it in
order to make their own prop of it for whatever reason.

Valko's Planet


These were the two beings that were Nova Ranger (left) and Omega Ranger
(right) respectively